Centenarians are people of 100 years of age or older. Becoming 100 years old and staying healthy and active is a dream for many people. It is the mission of Centenarian Products to help people realize this dream.

Centenarian products offer superior raw materials and ingredients that have a proven life-extending effect on people. Life-extending in the sense that one continues to feel fitter and healthier throughout all years of life.

Becoming 100 years is not a goal in itself, but 100 fit and healthy years of life certainly are! That’s why all ingredients and raw materials of Centenarian Products are carefully selected, scientifically substantiated and have a proven effect on the body.

Centenarian Products was founded in 2020 and focuses on the purchase of raw materials with a life-extending effect. The goal is to develop and offer superior products with the best raw materials in the consumer market worldwide.

Rob Jansen
CEO Centenarian Products

Wilhelminakade 955
3072 AP Rotterdam
the Netherlands
